How safe are U.S. passenger trains, commuter trains, freight trains and railroads from the threat of potential terrorist attacks? On Thursday, August 4, 2005, one of
Code Red!'s special guests was Mr. Kim Petersen, President of RailSecure--a leading international provider of passenger & freight rail security and counter-terrorism consulting services.
During his career, Mr. Petersen has performed security and vulnerability assessments in over 90 countries and conducted 170 international facility security audits around the world. Mr. Petersen shared his thoughts on the growing problem of securing the nation's railroads and what potential solutions could help reduce America's vulnerabilty to terrorism incidents on railways and facilities across the country.
To listen to Mr. Petersen's recent
Code Red! interview, click on the following link:
http://tvworldwide.com/events/codered/radioshow/interviews.cfm?id=6107&type=wmhighFor more details on RailSecure, visit: